When will my order ship?

  • It depends! Our collection is a mix of items that are printed on demand, and in that case, will ship in 2-3 days. Our other limited edition items are in stock and ready to ship and will ship same day or within 24 hours. 

What if I need to return or exchange my order?

  • No problem! If you need to return or exchange, you can do so within 14 days of receiving the item if the item is unworn.  For returns or exchanges, please email info@catsarecooltoo.com

Will my order come in separate packages?

  • It depends! If you are ordering our items from our print on demand items only, they will come in one order. If you are ordering a mix of items from our limited edition and print on demand, it will come in separate orders. I know, not ideal! But we are a small business and working to diminish the separate production facilities we use and hope to ship items in the fewest packages possible in the near future.

What if you are out of a product I want?

  • Some of our items are limited edition and will only be created once. However, for our popular items, we will plan to restock! Just sign up for our newsletters and you will be notified when popular items will be created again! 

How do I know which non-profit is benefiting from my purchase?

  • Every item is marked in the description as to what animal rescue non-profit is benefiting from that particular collection. Follow us on social media for fun updates on when we get to donate to our partnered non-profits!